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The Subrogation in Armenian Legislation.
After the adoption of RA law “On Compulsory motor liability insurance” Armenian society faced with mass application of the new legal institute which although being fixed in RA Civil Code since 1999, was not as popular just because the Insurance was not as popular in Armenia before.
While practicing law in Insurance company as a legal adviser I realized that the substance of the Subrogation is unclear not only to the ordinary people but also to many lagal practitioners and even to judges of common jurisdiction courts.
The primary goal of this law review article is to clarify the substance of the institute of Subrogation emphasizing its peculiarities and interpreting the basic lagel normes of Armenian legislation regulating it. At the same time some practical problems related to the Subrogation will be discussed below.
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After the collapse of USSR and declaration of independence the Republic of Armenia faced critical social - economical reorganizations. Neither soviet legal nor state institutional system were capable to go on with such changes any more, thus the need for legal – institutional reforms became an emergency.
The adoption of RA Constitution in 1995 and the subsequent amendments of it in 2005, where inter alia the principle of the separation and balance of the legislative, executive and judicial powers was stated and the priority of human rights and dignity was declared, plus huge pressure made by international obligations coming from RA’s membership in different international organizations (treaties) started “the era of profound reforms” in Armenia.