List of countries treated as offshore zones for the Republic of Armenia.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia has defined the list of offshore zones (countries) according to Decision No 595-N of June 1, 2017 (the decision comes into force from January 1, 2018).
The decision will be replacement to the Decision N 915-N of July 4, 2012, with amendments to the list of countries.

Based on Article 125 (6) and Article 361 (1) (5) of the RA Tax Code, the Government of the Republic of Armenia decides:

List of countries that are considered as offshore zones for Armenia.

1. Kingdom of Andorra:
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. United States of America (only in the following regions):
1) Guam Island
2) Delaware province
3) Marian Islands:
4) Puerto Rico Cooperation
5) The Virgin Islands:
4. United Arab Emirates
5. Cooperation of the Bahamas:
6. Kingdom of Bahrain
7. Barbados
8. Belize
9. Republic of Botswana:
10. Brunei Darussalam Sultanias
11. Republic of Guatemala:
12. Grenada
13. Dominica Cooperation
14. Tanger (Kingdom of Morocco)
15. Republic of Ireland:
16. Labuan Federal Territory (Malaysia)
17. Republic of Lebanon
18. Republic of Liberia
19. Liechtenstein Authority
20. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
21. Comoros Union
22. Republic of Cyprus
23. Republic of Costa Rica
24. Madiera (The Autonomous Region of the Republic of Portugal)
25. Republic of Maldives:
26. Republic of Malta:
27. Republic of Mauritius:
28. Islamic Republic of Mauritania
29. Republic of Marshall Islands:
30. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (only in the following regions):
1) Anguilla island
2) Bermuda Islands:
3) British Virgin Islands:
4) Thermes and Caesar Islands
5) Cayman Islands:
6) Montserrat Island:
7) Gibraltar
8) Isle of Man
9) Normandy Islands (Jersey, Hernia, Sark, and Olney)
31. Federated States of Micronesia:
32. Monaco's Authority:
33. Nauru Republic
34. The Kingdom of the Netherlands (only in the following regions):
1) Antilles:
2) Aruba
3) St. Martin (only the Dutch part)
35. New Zealand (only in the following regions):
1) Cook Islands;
2) Niue
36. Swiss Confederation
37. People's Republic of China (only in special administrative districts):
1) Macao (Aomin)
2) Siangtan (Hong Kong)
38. Palauan Republic
39. Republic of Panama
40. Jamaica
41. Samoa Independent State
42. Republic of San Marino:
43. Republic of Seychelles
44. Saint Lucia
45. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
46. Saint Kitts and Nevis
47. Singapore Republic
48. Vanuatu Republic
49. Eastern Republic of Ouagua
50. Republic of Philippines
51. French Polynesia (French Republic)

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